2019 Digital Futures – Digital Partnerships: Succeeding in Digital Partnerships for Data

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Cosmin Laslau
Digital Innovation
Associated Event
2019 Digital Futures Conference

Succeeding in Digital Partnerships for Data

In recent years, data from outside sources has become increasingly available, affordable, and easy to integrate using APIs. However, with that availability also come potential issues, such as vendor evaluation, reusage rights, integration, and most importantly, extracting valuable insights. This presentation will focus on best practices to find success in digital partnerships that focus on data, including an evaluation of technical data sources and case studies on how companies are using such digital partnerships to guide their internal decision-making.

Logged in IRI members can view & download the presentation here: https://www.pathlms.com/iri-learningcenter/events/1706/event_sections/11322/slide_presentations/146253