TVP – Metric 45 People Development

Resource Type
Alan Fusfeld, Innovation Research Interchange
Innovation Metrics, Stage-Gate, Tools and Techniques
Associated Event

Background | User Guide | Program Contents | Stakeholders | List of Metrics

1. Metric Definition

A measure of the recruitment, development, evaluation, and rewarding of R&D personnel via an interval rating scale.

This metric uses an interval rating scale for assessing the recruitment, development, evaluation, and rewarding of R&D personnel.  A scale of one to four is used, with a rating of one possibly indicating limited recruiting, a lack of training plans, and no support to first-line supervision in the evaluation process. A rating of four may indicate recruiting based on skill mix, competency analysis, and long-term staff planning; effective dual ladders; planned balance of roles; and personnel development accomplishments a key factor in evaluations of managers. 

2. Advantages and Limitations

The advantages and limitations are the same for the use of any quality transformation grid.

3. How to use the metric

The grid descriptions should be tailored to the particular organization; then members of the organization make the assessment to find areas where improvements are needed.

4. Options and Variations


5. Champions and Contacts


6. References

6.1 Adler, P.S. McDonald, D. William, MacDonald, F. 1992. Strategic Management of Technical Functions, Sloan Management Review, Winter, pp.19-37.

6.2 C.J. Cranny, P. Cain-Smith, and E.F. Stone, Job Satisfaction, Lexington Books, New York, 1992

6.2 R. Katz (ed.), Managing Professionals in Innovative Organizations, Harper Collins, New York, 1988

6.3 L.W. Ellis and S. Honig-Haftel, “Reward Strategies for R&D”, Research-Technology Management, 35(2) March- April, 1992 16-20.